Well I am to say the least a little behind on these preview..I did this engagement a couple weeks ago- They are my next Wedding coming up- and I am so excited for that.. They are such a sweet couple..and get this they get to go to Europe for the HONEYMOON...Yeah I am a little green with envy to say the least....but I wish them the very best- both WSU Students..so only natural for us to do their pictures at the College Campus!
So this one is way past due- as she is due to have her baby girl any day (maybe even today) which and I am so excited for...I just ♥ me some babies! She had the most perfect belly- I think I even said it more than twice to her about how perfect it was- well I hope she has a very smooth delivery and I am so excited to her about her baby girl soon!
Ok, so you all know that Babies are my super favorite. Well I had the pleasure of capturing the oh so new, oh so cute James Gray- he is so precious and perfect, and a very healthy eater :) Everything about these images makes me happy- Just so Pure! Enjoy-