So this morning I got to love on this little sweetie...he has grown so much since I saw him as a newborn nearly 7 months ago.. Boy how time sure flies by...he has the most perfect little hair, and beautiful blue eyes, and a personality and smile to die for.. MISS WINDY you surely are blessed..
Now I am off to a evening baby Session with another cutie I haven't seen since her Newborn pictures.. OH how I love seeing my babies again-
Well Yesterday I had the pleasure (and Photographer's Dream) to shoot at the Fabulous Davenport Hotel Downtown Spokane- It was Ryan and Jen's Special Day- Everything about the Wedding was smooth, calm and fabulous. With the best Bridal Party and Family anyone could ask for. Everyone looked fabulous and had the over all mood of calm, and happy! I felt very honored to be in the presence of such a wonderful couple and all those that love and care about them- So now onto the pictures- so elegant, soft and classic and I enjoyed it to the fullest..I sure hope you enjoy these-
SO I have been putting off my baby bump pictures for weeks now..and well I finally got them organized and edited... so here goes...
Week 21 my baby was the estimated length of a average Carrot- I can start to see how that would be the case, cause I swear I feel my little carrot from one side to the other..and no worries I know for SURE THERE is only one carrot in there...haha
Week 22- I had myself a Spaghetti this thing looks huge but it was the smallest one I could find..but it does give you a idea how the baby is growing, in there. I feel all movements now it seems. I have it still sitting in my fridge- does anyone have a good recipe for Spaghetti
Week 23- So this week my baby is not exactly the size of a Large Mango..but weighs about the size of this Large Mango- about 1 pound...WOW already- and its crazy to think that just in 17 more weeks HE OR SHE will gain another 7 pounds...I say this cause my babies are NEVER SMALL..
Finally THIS WEEK- to the day I am 24 weeks and my baby is the roughly a EAR OF CORN- it really is starting to become more real to me, and my dear hubby. Today while we relaxed together he finally got to feel our EAR OF CORN move, and kick!- My little corn KICKED real good! It was a very interesting day in regards to weather, but the evening light was again so beautiful, so it only made sense to do these outside!
*I just have to give my HUBBY huge credit for taking these pictures for me, he puts up with my constant direction and critiquing and well I couldn't do it without him.. I surely ♥ him!
Yeah, so today was just a normal Thursday...except I decided to have a little session with my OWN little mover and well lets just say it was a epic fail. She sat once and gave me some smiles and than quickly released she was not in the mood to sit and smile.. Oh well at least I get some really good candids and those are the ones I cherish the most...
Ok so I have been behind on showing off my growing belly- even after this post I am still a couple weeks behind.. but I have my dear hubby take millions of them, and than they sit on my computer until I feel like looking at them.. haha- but to catch up to speed, at week 18 I had myself a bell pepper, 19 weeks a heirloom tomato, and 20 weeks a BANANA.. oh yeah its getting bigger.. my belly however feels a little of the same size..maybe just a little firmer now..maybe its that fact that I just had a baby over a year ago..there was some left overs...that is what I blame it on. never the baby bump-